Tibetan Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation Course with Geshe Tenzin Nyima – Autumn Program

Tibetan Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation Course with Geshe Tenzin Nyima – Autumn Program

time 8:30 AM


When: Six classes on two Saturday mornings per month, from Saturday, October 5th to Saturday, December 14th, 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM ET

Please see the full schedule below.

Where: Online via Zoom (registration is necessary).

This program is available as a full program only. Participants can enter the program at any time while the course is being held. Geshe Tenzin encourages all participants to join the sessions live on Zoom on Saturdays and to practise the movements at home whenever time permits Recordings will be available until the course has ended to help people to practice between sessions and for a time afterwards for a limited time.  (Oct 2024 – Jan 2025)

Registration is required.

To register for the complete program and tuition details please click here. Limited seats are available.

As Geshe Tenzin la resides independently in Toronto, tuition fees are requested for this course to make a meaningful offering to Geshe Tenzin for his living expenses and to cover operational costs.

Join us for a transformative 6-session Tibetan Naro Tsa Lung Yoga program with Geshe Tenzin Nyima, open to all levels.

Experience the power of prāṇāyāma (breathing exercises) and āsana (physical postures) from the mahāsiddha tradition to balance body, mind, and breath.

Each 60-minute class explores Naro Yoga movements and meditations to enhance strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

Naro refers to the great Mahasiddha Naropa, Tsa refers to the channels or chakras, and Lung the energy or prana that moves through those channels.
