The Oral Transmission of Mañjuśrī & A Lamp for the Path – Commentary by Geshe Sonam

The Oral Transmission of Mañjuśrī & A Lamp for the Path – Commentary by Geshe Sonam

Zoom Meeting Registration

time 10:00 AM


We will be saying some prayers to the Medicine Buddhas during the next few Sundays for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s upcoming knee surgery in the USA.

Following His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s newest advice for the quick return of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Sonam will be giving the oral transmissions of Mahakala & Kalarupa during the regular Sunday class on Sunday, June 16th. Both of these practices can be found in this text. 

When: Sundays, beginning May 5th, 2024,10:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT

(* Note that there will be no class on Sunday, June 2nd. We will resume classes on the following Sunday, June 9th)

Where: Online and in-person at 1287 Coric Ave, Burlington, ON L7R 3S4

*** We again welcome you to attend the teachings in person! However, given the small size of the room, and that we are broadcasting live on Zoom and Social Media, please arrive more than 10 minutes before the beginning of the session, and please do let us know one day prior by emailing us at [email protected] that you are attending in person, so we know to expect you.

To watch the teachings online on Zoom please register here. (this is a very simple and quick registration process by email), or watch the sessions live-streamed on Facebook or YouTube.

Fundamental Texts of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism

In this series, Geshe Sonam will introduce key texts of the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition in chronological order from most recent to most ancient. These texts are “fundamental” because they offer foundational teachings in the key aspects of Buddhist philosophy and practice.

Each text will be taught in two-month increments by Geshe la, not rushing, but covering it thoroughly and explaining it, and then later alternating to the next volume. Once students understand the breadth and depth of the texts, we may choose to complete the entire series of texts from beginning to end, returning to each until it is finished, or embark on a topic from the FPMT Basic Program. You can learn more about the full series here.

The Oral Transmission of Mañjuśrī by by The Fifth Dalai Lama

The Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682 CE) composed The Oral Transmission of Mañjuśrī as a contribution to the by-then well-established genre of Lam Rim texts – the texts on the stages of the path to enlightenment which aim to present the path to Buddhahood in a systematic, easy to practice manner. The text can be seen as a condensed presentation of topics found in Je Tsongkhapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, emphasizing an approach to the material as practical instructions for meditation.

An outline of the topics covered that underpin the Lam Rim genre of teachings can be found here: Lamrim Outline – Jangchup Lamrim

The text can be purchased from the publisher here or from a bookseller such as Indigo or Amazon.

Atiśa’s A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Bodhipathapradīpa)

In addition, each Sunday, Geshe Sonam will be giving a commentary on the Atiśa’s A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Bodhipathapradīpa). You can find a translation for this text here. 

Another translation of A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment can be found on Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive here.

Please Help Support These Precious Teachings

Our programs are given freely, and we also rely on your generosity – this is the traditional and pure way of the Buddha Dharma. Offering support for the Dharma can be a limitlessly powerful act. This is the highest, most long-term form of generosity, which is to share with others the path to full awakening. When we support the Dharma we create causes for us to encounter the Dharma frequently, and we create the merit to be able to integrate the teachings in our minds easily. Offering support deepens our connection to Dharma teachers and connects us as a community.