Geshe Sonam In the Netherlands – Orange Manjushri Jenang & Teaching

Geshe Sonam In the Netherlands – Orange Manjushri Jenang & Teaching

time 5:00 AM


These teachings are being hosted by Maitreya Institute Amsterdam and are being held in-person and online.

Geshe la will grant a jenang (empowerment) into the Kriyā/action tantra practice of Orange Manjushri and will give a deeper introduction to the qualities of this special Buddha & practice. The Sunday empowerment will only be for practitioners who would like to receive the Orange Manjushri initiation as a blessing or an empowerment. Online you can only take it as a blessing.

This will take place on on Sunday March 9, 2025. 10.00-16.00 hrs CET (5:00 am EDT – time changes on this day)

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You can learn more about these teachings on this page.