Mahamudra Retreat with Geshe Sonam – Teachings and Meditations

Mahamudra Retreat with Geshe Sonam – Teachings and Meditations

Zoom Meeting Registration

time 10:00 AM




When: Weekend of Saturday, July 13 & 14, 2024.

Morning Session: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT with Geshe Sonam

Afternoon Session: 1:30 – 3:00 pm EDT with Dave Gould

Where: You can register ahead to watch the sessions online on Zoom, Facebook, or YouTube.

There are a limited number of seats available for in-person attendance at our centre, Lama Yeshe Ling, 1287 Coric Avenue, Burlington ON L7R 3S4.

As there has been interest in attending sessions on one, but not both days in person, we ask that people sign up separately for each day.

Please register here to attend the sessions in person on Saturday.

Please register here to attend the sessions in person on Sunday.

*** We welcome you to attend the teachings in person, however, given the small size of the room, and that we are broadcasting live on Zoom and Social Media, please arrive more than 10 minutes before the beginning of the session. Also, please do let us know one day prior by emailing us at [email protected] that you are attending in person, so we know to expect you.

People who attend in person will be responsible for their own lunches.

Geshe Sonam will give teachings and lead meditations in the morning, and Dave Gould will lead meditation sessions in the afternoons.

The practice of Mahamudra is a system of meditation where the practitioner meditates directly on the profound nature of their own mind. As clarity and awareness are developed through the practice, the mind’s true nature, its emptiness of inherent existence, can be realized. This allows the practitioner to penetrate the ultimate nature of reality.

Geshe la will focus on the Mahamudra approach of the great Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen, whose method is inspired by the Ganden oral lineage of instruction but very similar to the sūtra Mahamudra approach of the Kagyu tradition as well. This Mahamudra practice will help us to still our minds and allow us to rest in a state of clarity and lucidity. From within this peaceful and alert state, students will be guided in meditations on the relative and ultimate nature of their own minds.

Please Help Support These Precious Teachings

Our programs are given freely, and we also rely on your generosity – this is the traditional and pure way of the Buddha Dharma. Offering support for the Dharma can be a limitlessly powerful act. This is the highest, most long-term form of generosity, which is to share with others the path to full awakening. When we support the Dharma we create causes for us to encounter the Dharma frequently, and we create the merit to be able to integrate the teachings in our minds easily. Offering support deepens our connection to Dharma teachers and connects us as a community.