Literature Circle- Lama Yeshe’s Introduction To Tantra

Literature Circle- Lama Yeshe’s Introduction To Tantra

Zoom Meeting Online

time 7:00 PM


When: Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET

*** Tuesday, July 12th will be our last day discussing ‘Introduction to Tantra’. We will take a break from our Literature Circle for the summer and resume again in September. We look forward to meeting again with you again in the fall!

We are currently reading Lama Yeshe’s ‘Introduction to Tantra’ and ‘When the Chocolate Runs Out’ in our Literature Circle. Everyone is welcome.

Lama Yeshe and his student Lama Zopa Rinpoche have played a crucial role in introducing Tibetan Buddhism to the modern world and founded the FPMT in the process. Lama was able to do this because he could communicate deep truths in a down-to-earth, humorous, clear, and direct way.

‘Introduction to Tantra’: What is tantra? Who is qualified to practice it, and how does one become qualified? How is tantra practiced? What are the expected outcomes and are they different from sutra? The tantric teachings of Buddhism provide remarkably skilled methods of transformation that can be realized very quickly through utilizing all aspects of our human energy. Lama Yeshe presents tantra as a practice leading to self-discovery and satisfaction. He shares this vision of reality and these skillful methods, which are of immense significance for realizing our potential, in a simple and clear way. Introduction to Tantra – The Wisdom Experience

‘When the Chocolate Runs Out’: With playful wisdom and heart-striking compassion this beautiful little book captures the essence of the teachings of Lama Yeshe.  How can we be happy even after the “chocolate” has run out? By cutting the cords of attachment, we discover the indestructible happiness that has always been—and always will be—available to us. When the Chocolate Runs Out – The Wisdom Experience

Please register to attend on Zoom.

You can purchase the e-book or physical book from the publisher or from a bookstore such as

This group discussion is led by Dave Gould.

As a discussion group, it is useful to bring discussion questions to the gathering. Listen to Audrey on how to bring good questions to the gathering.