Building Balanced Empathy

Building Balanced Empathy


time 9:00 AM




Exploring what causes us to feel emotionally overwhelmed and how to relate in healthy and more balanced ways. A course created by the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom.

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For more information about the FDCW and this course please visit the following link:

Building Balanced Empathy is a 6-hour online course designed to explore empathy,
vulnerability and emotional resilience. You will learn techniques empowering you to relate to
yourself and others in healthy and more balanced ways.
This course will help you:
Develop better self-understanding and therefore real empathy for others
Identify what pushes us out of balance allowing the space for wiser choices
Build closer, more nurturing relationships with family, friends and co-workers

Who is the course for?
This course is for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is designed for those who want to
strengthen their inner resources which help build deep and sustainable connections and
“I learned I have a lot of misplaced or misguided empathy. I
realize how much of a communication issue it is not necessarily
an issue with feeling. I realized just how deep my need to fix  everything goes, especially with role playing.”
— Linda Melisano, course participant, Florida, May