Ascending The Path Of Vajrayāna: Practice Series with Paula Chichester – Recording Session (Six Session Guru Yoga)

Ascending The Path Of Vajrayāna: Practice Series with Paula Chichester – Recording Session (Six Session Guru Yoga)

time 8:00 AM


Receiving initiations is really special and amazing, and receiving the full oral tradition commentary on the sadhana is quite rare. The intention with these initiations and commentaries is always to support you in maintaining this living tradition – to have a rich and regular practice which transforms you into having the three bodies of a Buddha, and this takes much practice. So we welcome you to deepen your experience of Six Session Guru Yoga, the Three Purifications Heruka-Cakrasaṃvara, and the Vajrayoginī brief and full sadhanas with Paula Chichester.

Paula is one of the rare ones who has really dedicated her life to intensive practice, having done two full great retreats (a million mantras, 4 sadhana sessions a day, in solitary retreat for 3 to 4 years each), as well as regular periods of retreat every year.  To learn more about Paula, please see below.

These recording sessions, in which Paula will guide us in her characteristic, down-to-earth style, will help us to bring the words of the sadhanas to life. The recordings will become continuously available to our Highest Yoga Tantra community (to apply visit here). You are invited to attend because it is always better to record with a live audience (even, in this case when the audience is silent).

Paula has also kindly accepted our request for her to lead live, monthly Vajrayogini group practice sessions on the 2nd Wednesday of each month this Fall. These sessions will not be recorded.

When: The recording session will be on the following dates and times.

Six Session Guru Yoga: September 26, 2024, 8:00 am EDT
Vajrayoginī short sadhana (1/2 hour):  October 1, 2024, 8:00 am EDT
Heruka-Cakrasaṃvara Three Purifications: October 2, 2024, 8:00 am EDT
Vajrayoginī Long Sadhana: October 9, 2024, 8:00 am EDT

Where: These sessions are presented live from Zoom with the meeting details sent to qualified participants before the event.  A recording of each session will be accessible from an authorized view on, and an individual login account will be given to each participant. We ask that you do not share the meeting link or recording login, to ensure that these are only viewed by qualified viewers. Please do, however, let anyone you think might be interested, and who has received an appropriate initiation, know about how to register for this practice series.

Whereas attending the commentaries are open to everyone with a full highest yoga tantra empowerment, and this applies also to the Six Session Guru Yoga practice session; the Heruka-Cakrasaṃvara and Vajrayoginī practice sessions are only for those who have received these specific respective empowerments.

Registration is only needed if this will be your first time attending any of our highest yoga tantra teachings: by Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, at 7:00 pm EDT.

This program is offered by donation. Please see below to help make an offering to Paula.

Paula Chichester

Paula is known for her friendly, experiential teaching style that evolved from 4 decades of full-time training in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and meditation as well as diverse psycho-somatic healing arts from Asia and the West. Her ability to distill and impart the essence of these disciplines is inspired by her main teachers, Lama Thubten Yeshe and Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche. Paula is dedicated to helping create a world culture of health, compassion, wisdom and joy.

You can learn more about Paula on our page: Visiting Teachers | Lama Yeshe Ling,  as well as on her own website: PAULA CHICHESTER – Brave View

Opportunity to Sponsor the Practice Series with Paula Chichester

Sponsoring the teachings helps to make the teachings available to everyone. In this way, we are able to practice the generosity of giving of the Dharma and thereby create vast amounts of merit. Our programs are given freely, and we rely also on your generosity – this is the traditional and pure way of the Buddha Dharma. Offering support for the Dharma can be a limitlessly powerful act. This is the highest, most long-term form of generosity, which is to share with others the path to full awakening. Offering support deepens our connection to Dharma teachers and connects us as a community.

Remember to make an aspiration/dedication to accomplish your goals for yourself and others before making the offering. With clear intention, we can create causes to accomplish the welfare of both ourselves and all sentient beings, or of any heartfelt cause.