Ascending The Path Of Vajrayāna – Part Three: Introduction To Vajrayoginī

Ascending The Path Of Vajrayāna – Part Three: Introduction To Vajrayoginī

time 10:00 AM


When: Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 am ET

Future classes TBA

Register below by Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 7:00 pm ET.

Those who attended previous sessions of this Vajrayoginī and/or Heruka-CakrasaṃvaraSeries are not required to register again.

Where: These sessions are presented live from Zoom with the meeting details sent to qualified participants before the event (please see below).  A recording of each session will be accessible from an authorized view on with an individual logon account given to each participant.

This will allow people from different time zones to watch at their convenience. We ask that you do not share this link with anyone else so that we can ensure that the teachings are only watched by qualified viewers.

Geshe Sonam has asked that recordings of each session be available for a limited amount afterward to registered participants (until the next session, approximately 2 months).

About the Teachings:

The practice of the female buddha Vajrayoginī (Dorje Naeljorma in Tibetan) is first mentioned in the Root Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. Of the several lineages of this deity, the form of  Vajrayoginī most popular in the Sakya and Gelug traditions stems from the teachings of the great mahāsiddha Nāropā and is therefore often referred to as “Nāropā’s ḍākinī“. The practice of the generation and completion stages of Vajrayoginī is profound and simpler than that of most other Highest Yoga Tantra deities. The practice texts are relatively brief and the visualizations accessible, with the essential points codified in a system of teachings known as the eleven yogas. The practice of Vajrayogini employs the methods of tantra to transform afflictions into the path.

Geshe la will give a brief introduction to essential aspects of the practice in a few sessions, in particular, to benefit those who received the initiation for the first time from Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Delek last April (but is open to all with appropriate initiations). Future sessions of introduction to this practice will be announced, and perhaps more in-depth commentary will be given pending the conclusion of Geshe la’s commentary on Cakrasaṃvara

Please Note: Participation in Geshe Sonam’s Vajrayana teachings requires empowerment into a deity practice of Highest Yoga Tantra such as Vajrayoginī, Cakrasaṃvara, Yamāntaka, Kālacakra, or Guhyasamāja.

While these teachings are open to any students who have received a highest yoga tantra empowerment from a qualified lama (regardless of lineage), only those who have received the initiation of Vajrayoginī are permitted to engage in the practice of Sādhanā and eleven yogas.

Although Geshe la will present the commentaries as a dharma friend wishing to aid students in understanding the teachings and not require a vajra guru-disciple relationship, he does request that students maintain a deep and stable respect and faith for the profound Vajrayāna teachings, and avoid developing wrong views.

Participants will be required to fill out a form, if they have not already done so for attendance to earlier sessions of this series, in order to confirm that they attended an appropriate empowerment.

Register by Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 7:00 pm ET to allow time for registration confirmations to be processed. Those who attended previous Ascending The Path Of Vajrayāna sessions will not be required to register again. (Note: the registration will be closed briefly and reopen by October 15th)

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Supporting the Dharma is an incredibly powerful and necessary action.

It is the highest form of generosity, sharing with others the path to full awakening. Offerings to the Dharma create the causes to never be separated from the Dharma, and to have conditions to realize the teachings. It deepens your connection with Dharma teachers, and you become a supporting member of our community.

Please help Lama Yeshe Ling provide more programs, and types of programs, and support our  venerable Sangha: Geshe Sonam and Khedrup la, who have dedicated their lives to serving living beings with the Dharma